Mentor Program


Former campers, ages 13-14 may apply to be a Mentor at Soulshine Farm


Mentors do not pay for camp. Mentors will receive a letter of recommendation (to use for future jobs, scholarships, etc.) and a $25 gift card.


Mentors should independently complete the “Mentor Application” and the “Mentor Preferences Sheet”, each year as preferences may change as you grow and have new experiences.  >>> Applications are due by March 15th. <<< Application link will be posted on line on Feb 1st 2022.

Note to Parents: 

We are encouraging the mentors to step out of their comfort zone and work in an area where they may feel less confident – with our support. Please allow your child to complete form on their own – it is important for them to do it independently. During camp, we check in regularly to see if they are comfortable or need/want to change rolls.


Mentors will not be participating in camp, as a “camper”, but will provide help with activities and support for younger children, and act as a role model for the campers.

*There are a limited number of Mentor positions. Preference will go to teens who have been campers over the years.

*Preference will also go to Mentors complete applications listing creative suggestions, ideas, or activities that they would like to share with campers. Maybe teaching a lesson (“How to do ____”), sharing a hobby they enjoy, teaching a new game, sharing a favorite book or music (appropriate for children).


Those who apply to be a MENTOR will be contacted to come for an interview with Julie in late March.  If selected into the program, I'll do my best to get you in the week or two you request. (I’ll guide you through this, and promise it won’t be scary. I just want you to have the opportunity to experience a job interview.)


Those who are selected to become a MENTOR we will be required to attend a leadership meeting prior to the start of camp. This is held one day after school, during the 1st or 2nd week in June.


Upon successful mentor week, mentors will be giving a letter of recommendation (to use for future jobs, scholarships, etc.) and a $25 gift card.