Soulshine Yoga
Currently there are no active Yoga Sessions
If interested in joining, let me know what days/times work for you and we’ll create the schedule.
Students who register for a class pay one fee and may attend any one, or all classes each week.
(For Zoom attendance, anyone in your home may join in for no extra cost.)
For Men, Women, Teens, Athletes
Our class schedules are set up in 8-15 weeks sessions throughout the year. Younger children's classes are 45 minutes. Classes for older children, teens, adults are held for 60 minutes. Class size is small - children's classes up to 8 students, adult classes up to 6 students.
Fall Session Runs from September through the third week of December.
Winter Session runs from early January - early April (Just before Randolph School District's Spring Break.)
Spring Session runs from Mid-April - mid/Late June.
Summer Session Runs July and August.